Best Orthopaedics Hospital in Bangalore
At Sun Hospitals our robust team of orthopaedicians are geared to tackle the toughest of bone and spine-related disorders and conditions with the right approach to get you back on your feet in the shortest time.
Our Services:
- Robotic Knee Replacement
- Sports, Trauma and Spine Care
- Radiology, Musculorskeletal ultrasound
- Sports physio & Rehab,

Mathikere & Vidyaranyapura
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

20+ Years of providing Quality Orthopaedic care at affordable cost in Bangalore
Sun Orthopaedic Hospital was started to provide comprehensive Orthopaedic solutions with best technology at affordable cost and supreme care.
- 18,000 + Surgeries
- 8,000 + Knee Surgeries
- 5,000 + Shoulder Surgeries

Our Centres
Our Specialities
Robotic Joint replacements
Knee Arthroscopy
Shoulder Arthroscopy
Sports Medicine
Sports Physio & Rehab
Regenerative Orthopaedics
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Pain Management
Spine Care
Fracture Management
Osteoporosis Treatment
Paediatrics Orthopaedics
We Follow Great Process
Expert Consultation
Quality Doctors
Affordable Price
24/7 Opened
Success Stories

Success Rate
Best Robotic Joint Replacement center in bangalore
20+ Years Experienced Doctors
100% Recovery
Latest Operation Theatre
Sun Orthopaedics Blogs

Sports Medicine Center in Bangalore - Sun Orthopaedics
Top Sports medicne
Sun Orhtopaedics Hospital is a top sports medicine center in Bangalore, India with skilled sports medicine specialists/doctors provide treatment for sports injury.
Sports Physio
We provide complete sports related care with an ultimate goal to prevent, treat and rehabilitate sportsmen for all requirements - from pre-participation physicals and injury evaluation to sports nutrition, athletic training and physical therapy.

Sports Medicine Doctors
Sun rothopaedics Sports Medicine is renowned across the country for specialized sports medicine care for all age groups and different levels of competitiveness.
Expert Care
Expert care to treat alll kinda sports realted injuries to get you back on the track, and help you achieve you dream on the ground.

Want a second opinion? Get in touch!
Its always good to take a 2nd Opinion, call us right now to book an appointment.